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Keith Butterfield


Keith has been farming oysters in Maine for 7 years.  His passion for our oceans became a driving force behind moving to full time oyster farming.  His background in medical and surgical instruments lends well to the entrepreneurial aspects of solving the biology, technology and process challenges on our farm.


Geneva Gomez


Geneva joined Butterfield Shellfish in 2020 and has hit the ground running.  Her mechanical skills and organizational expertise compliment her love of farming, which she developed on land at a young age.  Sea farming was a natural evolution for Geneva and we are lucky to have her on our team. 


Hadlee Yescott


Hadlee joined our farm in  2021 as a farm hand and quickly earned her place as an invaluable team member.  She graduated from the University of Maine, Farmington where she was a student athlete (soccer).  Hadlee is a capable sea farmer and was promoted to Co-Manager in 2023. 


Philip Butterfield

Oyster Farmer

Our Dad helped Keith launch the farm in 2013, working daily on the water during the early years, helping with biofouling control, boat skills and other stuff you learn from Dad.  As a father of 5 girls and 3 boys, Philip taught us how to work hard and be fair, values that continue to underpin the business today.


Karen Butterfield

Director of Marketing

During her career in sustainable energy, Karen led teams big and small in energy efficiency, solar and battery storage.  She developed skills in sales, marketing, public policy and new product introductions that directly applied to the chaotic growth of multiple start ups.  Her focus is to help us drive up the demand for our oysters from chefs and foodies everywhere.


Danielle Donnelly

Social Media

Danielle joined our team in 2020 to help us get the message out about how delicious our Royals are and also how good they are for Maine and for the ocean.   Danielle works in sustainability in NYC, using her BA from UConn in political science by day and using her social media super powers on the farm at night.

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Suzanna Butterfield

Marketing Intern

Suzanna has been a part-time marketing intern during 2020-21.   She developed our Facebook presence, assisted with instagram postings, attended team meetings and helped with summer event planning, including our annual fundraiser.

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Offices at 17 Haskell Ave., Raymond, ME 04071

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